Join Us
We believe in the art of storytelling and in the communal cinema experience.
We love film. Each of us is passionate about film and we know that our expertise can benefit the community, help to introduce new artistic voices into the fold, and challenge peoples’ ways of thinking about the art form.
The American Cinematheque is a member-supported 501(c)(3) non-profit arts organization. Continuous support from the community through Membership, Donations and Volunteering help keep the mission of the American Cinematheque alive, and the projector lights on and flickering.
The AC offers many different types of Memberships, so that film fans can support the arts and be welcomed into the film community.

Please consider making a one-time or recurring donation to the American Cinematheque to help to support our public programming.

Volunteers play an important role in the hundreds of film screenings, festivals, and special events that take place throughout the year.

We continue to reinvent movie-going and embrace new technology, improving the theatrical experience and offering new ways for people to engage and be entertained.